Manager Voltron

No one person is ever going to give you all the support you need.

Manager Voltron
Photo by eberhard ๐Ÿ– grossgasteiger / Unsplash

Lara Hogan writes:

there are a plethora of people out there whom you can lean on to find the variety of support you need.

I really hope you'll take the time to check out her article about Manager Voltrons.

Here are two facts I've learned:

  1. No one person is ever going to give you all the support you need. Even if your manager is perfect, they're not going to be able to help you with everything.
  2. You can't do it alone. Even if you're a solo founder, you need a team that will help you along the way: friends to bounce ideas off of and foster a creative space, mentors and coaches to help create your short- and long-term roadmaps, and folks who have the skills that you simply don't have.

For me, having a Manager Voltron is an excuse to ask for someone's time. The reality is that, for each person on my team, none of these relationships are transactional: we make time for each other because we care about each other.

I don't want to just make sure you know about this concept โ€” I want to take the chance to give you the excuse to reach out to one person today. If there's someone you want to learn from, or someone who might have a skill that can help you out, I hope you'll send them a message today and ask when they're available for coffee or a video call.