Fill up those praise folders

This week, I want to amplify a blog post from Mandy Brown: "[…] anytime someone says something nice about you, record it in a central place that you can go back to."

Fill up those praise folders
Photo by Ali Shah Lakhani / Unsplash

This week, I want to amplify a blog post from Mandy Brown:

One small tip that’s served me and many of my clients over the years: anytime someone says something nice about you, record it in a central place that you can go back to. [… On] the days you do find yourself tapping into that folder for a needed pep talk, do one of your favorite colleagues a favor and give them something they can put into their praise folder. You’ll both feel great for it, I promise.

This is excellent advice. I keep these in a few different places:

  • I keep a daily log of positives, and I try to throw as many direct quotes in there as possible.
  • I also have a special email label that nice emails to me go into.

In another article, Brown quotes A. E. Osworth:

Useful praise directs a writer’s attention to where the skill was deployed.

I try to give immediate positive feedback as often as possible, especially when someone does something outside of their comfort zone. But I also make a point to share the truth every time I see it: if I'm checking in with someone, and I see them consistently doing good work, it's critical to call it out.